What will happen if semiconductors turn good conductors?


How convert semiconductor into conductor. 

Doping Silicon You can change the behavior of silicon and turn it into a conductor by doping it. In doping, you mix a small amount of an impurity into the silicon crystal. There are two types of semiconductor n-type and p-type.
in which doping is done.

N-type - 
In N-type doping, phosphorus or arsenic is added to the silicon in small quantities. Phosphorus and arsenic each have five outer electrons, so they're out of place when they get into the silicon lattes.
P-type -
In P-type doping, boron or gallium is used as the dopant. These elements each have three electrons in their outer orbitals. When they are mixed into the silicon lattice, they form 'holes' in the valence band of silicon atoms. .... Because the dopant is fixed in the crystal lattice, only the positive charges can move.

What will happen if semiconductors turn good conductors.

If semiconductor in world totally turn into a good conductor then we have to use huge and big machine like gas tube chamber current fluctuating mechanism as used before the invention of semiconductor.
